The goal of Build Change’s programs is to create positive, sustainable change to construction practice for the most common types of buildings in order to make safe buildings available to people of all economic levels. To support this goal, Build Change develops and distributes a variety of technical resources, handbooks, posters and messages to teach about how to build earthquake-resistant homes.

Video Briefs

Are structural connections important?

What are the Three Cs?


Build Change's 'Better Bricks' program in Indonesia
Design package for new construction disaster-resistant houses in Indonesia: timber frame house type and confined masonry house type; and example of school building retrofitting design.  (In Bahasa and English).

Design Package for 36 Square Meter Timber Frame House with Masonry Skirt and Ferro-cement Wall

Drawing Set – Timber Frame House with Masonry Skirt

Cost Estimate – Timber Frame House with Masonry Skirt

Construction Quality Inspection Checklist

Visual Based Construction Manual

Design for 36 Square Meter Confined Masonry House

Design Package for 36 sqm Confined Masonry House

Design for A Multiple Classroom School Building Retrofitting

Design Package for School Retrofit

Build Change's 'Better Bricks' program in Indonesia
Training module of disaster-resistant construction practices that designed specifically for each: homeowners, builders, local authorities and engineers in Indonesia.

Training Module for Indonesia (English)

Build Change's 'Better Bricks' program in Indonesia
Recommendations for step-by-step traditional brickmaking in order to help improve brick quality in accordance with the national standard requirement.

Manual on How to Produce Good Quality Bricks – Bahasa

You Can Keep Your Family Safe From Earthquakes: How to Build Strong and Sturdy Houses (Updated 2018).

Covers timber frame with masonry infill and confined masonry, the two most common structural systems for rural houses in Indonesia. Targeted at homeowners and builders. Includes common problems and how to solve them, simple pictures and graphics, the three C’s for safe construction, (configuration, connections and construction quality), and minimum standards for safe construction.

How to Build Strong and Sturdy Houses Manual – Bahasa

How to Build Strong and Sturdy Houses Manual – English


Build Change Handbook “Security Rebuild Manual”.

Includes a design guideline for low-rise confined masonry buildings, common construction problems and how to solve them.

Build Change China Manual – English

Build Change China Manual – Mandarin

Illustrated guidelines for building earthquake-resistant, single-story, confined-masonry houses with reinforced concrete slab roofs.

Build Change China Posters – English & Mandarin

Latin America


Build Change Posters on safe construction practices for building earthquake-resistant, confined-masonry houses.

Build Change Haiti Posters – Creole

Build Change Haiti Posters – English

Build Change Haiti Posters produced with Cordaid – Creole


These pamphlets and posters show simple, inexpensive guidelines that will greatly improve the earthquake and typhoon resistance of common Filipino housing types.

Build Change Philippines Posters – English

Build Change Philippines Posters – Boholano


This flyer explains the process for reusing salvaged materials safely after an earthquake.

Build Change Nepal – English